How to Apply an Epoxy Coating to a Garage Floor

RobertCrum / Getty Images
Project Overview
  • Working Time: 8 - 10 hrs
  • Total Time: 2 days - 1 wk, 1 day
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Estimated Cost: $150 to $250

The standard for a tough, good-looking surface on thegarage floor is garage floor epoxy. Although it is common to hear people refer to “epoxy paint,” in reality, epoxy and paint are different products with different chemical compositions. Epoxy creates a tougher coating than paint, but it is a little trickier to apply. Careful prep and an organized approach are the keys to success. The application of garage floor epoxy can vary a little from product to product, so be sure to check the instructions on the product you choose.

Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy garage floor coating is commonly sold in kits that include the two-part epoxy, etching solution, and decorative color chips (which are optional) as well as complete instructions. Some kits also include an online link for instructions. Color choice is very limited, as many coatings are simply gray, while some are brown or off-white. Check the contents of the kit so you know which additional supplies are required.


Epoxy floor coatings work best on a concrete floor that is in good shape, without serious cracks, chips, or spalls. A brand-new concrete slab is best, but older slabs can work fine if you first do whatever repair and patching work is called for.

Most minor cracks and chips can be easily repaired with any concrete patching product. Make sure the patched areas dry and cure fully before applying epoxy over them. After patching, also make sure that the concrete is degreased and properly etched, as directed by the manufacturer of the epoxy.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Broom
  • Wet/dry shop vacuum
  • Stiff brush
  • Garden hose
  • Work gloves
  • Eye protection
  • 3-inch paintbrush
  • 9-inch paint roller with 1/2-inch-nap roller cover
  • Roller extension handle


  • Concrete degreaser
  • Epoxy floor coating kit
  • Painter's tape
  • Plastic sheeting (optional)


  1. Clean and Degrease the Floor

    Use a broom and wet/dry vacuum to clean debris from the floor. Remove grease with a degreaser and a stiff brush. Rinse the degreaser with a garden hose and allow the floor to dry.

  2. Etch the Concrete

    Etch the concrete floor using the etching solution provided in the epoxy coating kit, following the manufacturer's directions. Mix the etching solution with water, as directed. Pour the solution onto the floor and work it in with a stiff brush or broom. It will foam and fizz, which tells you it is doing its job to abrade the surface. Rinse the entire area thoroughly with a garden hose. Let the concrete dry completely, which may take several days.


    Put on all recommended safety gear when etching a concrete floor—and when applying epoxy. This generally means wearing long sleeves and trousers, eye protection with side protection, and breathing protection. Etching solutions are usually a diluted form of muriatic acid, and it's critical to avoid skin and eye contact, and breathing the fumes.

  3. Prepare the Room

    Apply wide painter’s tape along the bottoms of the walls. You may also want to tape plastic sheeting to the bottom foot or two of the walls. If it’s not too difficult, consider removing baseboards, which will allow you to apply the epoxy right next to the wall and eliminate the need to cut in the edges with a brush.

  4. Mix the Epoxy

    A two-part epoxy consists of a catalyst (or hardener) and a resin (the "paint"), which must be mixed just before application. Stir the paint a bit, then begin pouring the catalyst in while continuing to stir. Once the catalyst container has been emptied, stir for another few minutes until the two parts are thoroughly mixed.

    Put the lid back on the mixture and let it rest for the amount of time specified by the manufacturer, which will vary depending on the temperature. If you are using decorative color chips, do not add them to the mix.

  5. Apply the Epoxy

    Start applying the coating as soon as the epoxy mix is ready. You will have no more than two hours to apply the epoxy and even less time in hot weather. Keep the garage well-ventilated throughout the application and initial curing.

    Use a 3-inch paintbrush to cut in along the edges, then use a 9-inch roller with a 1/2-inch-nap roller cover (with an extension handle) to spread epoxy on the floor. Work in 10 x 10-foot sections. This work will go quicker if you have a helper handling the cut-in work. Maintain a wet edge by rolling over the edges of previously applied epoxy, and be sure to roll an even coating.

    If you are using decorative color chips, apply them by hand over each section after you’ve spread the epoxy. Take a small number of chips in your hand and toss them up and out onto the floor. Again, a helper can speed this process up.

    If you are applying a second coat, wait at least 12 hours before application.

  6. Let the Garage Floor Dry

    Don’t start walking on the new epoxy surface for at least 24 hours, and plan to wait at least several more days (and preferably a week) before pulling the car back into the garage.

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  1. Epoxy Resins. American Chemistry Council.