Roofing & Cladding with Aluminium Composite Panels

If your garage is in need of updating or repair, consider using bespoke aluminium composite panels for the job.

A relatively modern material, aluminium composite is now utilised for a variety of applications in building and construction, as it lends itself exceptionally well to walling, framing, cladding and roofing installations.

Sustainable and energy efficient, aluminium composite weathers exceptionally well, it is corrosion-resistant and immune to harmful UV rays, and is therefore suited to both indoor and outdoor applications, and ensures optimal performance over a very long period.

A popular choice for new garage walls and roofing panels, this unique material will add a modern touch to your existing garage, and unlike wooden or metal alternatives, it will not rot, rust or fade overtime.

Maintaining your aluminium composite panels is easy, routine cleaning for aesthetic reasons will keep your roofing or cladding looking like new for years to come, making it a cost-effective solution for your garage renovations.

Available in a variety of different finishes and colours, you can achieve the optical effect you desire with this diverse material, and create the perfect garage in no time.

Lightweight, strong and easy to work with, aluminium composite panels can be mounted to virtually every surface, while minimising the weight load on your garage supporting structure.

The perfect solution for your outdated garage, choose aluminium composite panels for the job and create an impressive display today.

Post By gsl

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